“This book is a return by Hiaasen to his best with the sport of golf providing the venue for his unique wit and biting humor. . . . Throughout, he spares no punches on himself. You feel his pain and frustration as he takes three steps forward and two back (usually in the rough).
Suspense doesn't burn any brighter and desire doesn't run any deeper than when Suzanne Brockmann takes the helm, opens the throttle, and takes readers along for a breathless ride as she breaks the thrill barrier -- again and again. With Into the Fire, Brockmann lights the fuse on her most explosive story yet. Vinh Murphy -- ex-Marine and onetime operative for the elite security firm Troubleshooters Incorporated -- has been MIA ever since his wife, Angelina, was caught in a crossfire and killed during what should have been a routine bodyguard assignment.
To solve these 100 puzzles, the only things required are an unclouded mind, nerves of steel, and a grasp of such sentences as: "No animal that does not prefer Beethoven to Mozart ever takes a taxi in Bond Street."
Evolution: Society, Science and the Universe (Darwin College Lectures)Evolution is a fundamental process that cuts across boundaries of art and science and has beguiled thinkers for ages. This collection of articles about all aspects of evolution is a feast of challenging ideas, drawing together world-renowned thinkers and communicators with their own intriguing insights. This impressive cast of contributors takes on such questions as: Why and how do civilizations and societies change over time?
The Big Book of Bad: The Best of the Worst of Everything (Factoid Books)“The Big Book of Bad” takes a look at things that maybe we really should have thought through better. First we have bad guys, such as Pol Pot, Stalin, Himmler, Basil the Bulgar Slayer, and the worst of the Roman emperors. Then we move over to look at a few of literature’s worst offenders: Moriarty, Modred, Long John Silver, Dracula, and more.