Questions about what to teach and how best to teach it are what drive professional practice in the English language classroom. Innovation and change in English language education addresses these key questions so that teachers are able to understand and manage change to organise teaching and learning more effectively.
Making Toys That Teach: With Step-by-Step Instructions and Plans
The difference between a good toy and a great one is the ability to entertain — and instruct — a child at the same time.
The author, a woodworker with a graduate degree in Curriculum and Instructional Materials, combines his skills to show parents which toys are most effective for early childhood education, and then he gives them all the information they need to build those toys themselves. Nine fun projects — from Pattern Blocks and Dominos to a Puzzle Train — will get little ones learning — without them even realizing it! Over 200 color photos and drawings are included.
This new edition of Teach EFL is the ultimate practical reference guide to becoming an EFL teacher. "Riddell's book is a classic - it answers all those questions new language teachers have...covers an amazing amount in a clear accessible way." David Carr, Director of Teacher Training International House London This book is packed with information on: -effective teaching techniques. -sound classroom management. -practical lesson planning. -successful job hunting and career development. This is an indispensable book for all new EFL teachers: a step-by-step guide on what to teach and how to teach it.
Being a patient is a unique interpersonal experience but it is also a universal human experience. The relationships formed when we are patients can also teach some of life's most important lessons, and these relationships provide a special window into ethics, especially the ethics of healthcare professionals. This book answers two basic questions: As patients see it, what things allow relationships with healthcare providers to become therapeutic? What can this teach us about healthcare ethics? This volume presents detailed descriptions and analyses of 50 interviews with 58 patients, representing a wide spectrum of illnesses and clinician specialties.
This eighth edition of Essentials of Nursing Research, written by AJN award-winning authors, along with its accompanying Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research, student learning ancillaries, and instructor teaching materials present a unique learning-teaching package that is designed to teach students how to read and critique research reports, and to appreciate the application of research findings to nursing practice.