Short Reading Passages with Graphic Organizers to Model and Teach Key Comprehension Skills (Grades 2-3)
Forty high-interest passages are paired with graphic organizers to help all kids easily learn how to find the main idea, understand cause and effect, compare and contrast, sequence events, and more. Following your lead, students can draw, move, highlight, and underline key text. A surefire way to engage even the most reluctant learners and build the reading comprehension skills all students need to succeed.
Teach Me How to Teach My Child: a Manual for Re-owning your Child's Education
Are you interested in your child? Is the education of your child a top priority? Do you know what your child knows? One more… can the mind of your child be saved? These questions should stir the minds of parents.
Complete Old English : A Teach Yourself Guide provides you with a clear and comprehensive approach to Old English, so you can progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking, and writing Old English with confidence.
Within each of the 24 thematic chapters, important language structures are introduced through life-like dialogues. You'll learn grammar in a gradual manner so you won't be overwhelmed by this tricky subject. Exercises accompany the texts and reinforce learning in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This program also features current cultural information boxes that reflect recent changes in society.
Easy Ways to Reach & Teach English Language Learners (Grades K–5)
How can we help English Language Learners adapt and adjust to life in the classroom—and thrive? ELL specialist Valerie SchifferDannoff shares her success strategies for including ELLs in meaningful instruction and classroom life right from the start. This guide also offers lessons adapted for ELLs at different levels of English mastery, tips for immersing them in classroom routines and community, and helpful definitions for language-learning terms.
Grammar Study: Helping Students Get What Grammar Is and How It Works
Asking students to memorize the rules of grammar is of limited value; on the other hand, helping them understand the power of grammar from the inside out has the potential to transform their writing—and develop their lifelong love affair with language. A brilliant writer herself, Janet Angellilo shows you how to teach your students all the essential skills they need related to grammar through a deeply engaging inquiry study of grammar. For example, she introduces strategies such as “mentor sentences” from well-loved literature as a way to teach students the "sense” or “cadence” of a complete sentence.