Challenges - Placement test
Added by: smieja | Karma: 96.53 | Coursebooks | 7 April 2007 |
 Challenges - Placement test A placement test for Challenges - a coursebook for teenagers.
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Tags: Challenges, Placement, teenagers, placement, coursebook, teenagersChallenges |
TimeSaver Project Work
Ещё одна книга из исключительно удачной с точки зрения преподавателя серии Timesaver - Timesaver Project Work - научит вас и ваших учеников английскому во время выполнения так называемых "проектов" - самостоятельных заданий на определённую тему. Великолепное издание, хорошее качество скана.
Design a new outfit, invent an event for the Olympics, open your own restaurant, develop a theme park, go wild with website wanders . . . project work is the ultimate path to inspiring ideas and creative thinking while simultaneously learning English! This clever collection of 17 photocopiable projects targets all four language skills as well as grammar points from prepositions and question words to present and past simple verb tenses, adjectives, everyday vocabulary, and comparatives. The themes enable teachers to work in a cross-curricular way across topics and subjects. Each project takes 2-4 hours to complete and include teacher’s notes, step-by-step guidance, and suggestions on building teamwork. Tailored for teenagers, but we've found many of the projects to be just as appealing to adults! American and British English.
15 engaging and motivating projects on wide-ranging topics aimed specifically at teenagers: from "Create a New Pop Group" or "Survive in the Jungle" to "Design a New Outfit" (for a pop or sports star) or "Create a Class Website". Each project contains a worksheet with warm-up activities. Each project requires the student to practise all four skills. Students also learn/revise key items of vocabulary and grammar relating to their chosen project. |
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Tags: project, Project, projects, Design, teenagers |