Emotional Currency - A Woman's Guide to Building a Healty Relationship with Money
Every day, women face new challenges that come with having control over, and responsibility for, their financial lives. Sometimes exciting, sometimes frightening, these issues always have an emotional side. Author and psychotherapist Dr. Kate Levinson offers fresh approaches to navigating the astonishing range of beliefs about the role of money in our lives, coming to terms with our feelings about being "rich" or "poor," and exploring our inner money life ...
With the emotional panache that pleases her devotees, Steel (Kaleidoscope) portrays Zoya Ossupov, a courageous young woman of Imperial Russia who experiences both ecstasy and trauma. Daughter of a count who is a cousin of Tsar Nicholas, Zoya enjoys a privileged, cloistered existence. Zoya, whose name means "life," is on intimate terms with the tsar's family. All of them, of course, are endangered by the Revolution. The insurgents slaughter the tsar and his kin, and cause the deaths of Zoya's parents and brother, forcing her to flee to Paris with her aged but indomitable grandmother.
Prepared and edited by the best linguists in the world, this is a dictionary with a novel and practical system of consultation: by looking up a word in the first column, which lists in alphabetical order all the terms of the 5 languages, the user will find, together with the pronunciation, the corresponding translation into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
In order to assure brevity and clarity without missing the spirit of Russia or losing a sense of the complexities of life (ever-present complexities which can be unraveled only in retrospect by historians), particular care has been taken to supplement the text with appropriate appendices. The chronological table, for instance, divulges by the very sequence of events the logical and sometimes illogical course of his- tory and its influence on our lives. The maps reveal better than any description the causes and results of major trends. The index provides a biographical dictionary and a glossary of foreign terms, particularly useful.
This complete study edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne's classic novel The Scarlet Letter includes information about Puritan life, questions, writing ideas, projects, and a map to help students explore this story of guilt and redemption. Also included is "The Custom-House", Hawthorne's satiric introduction to The Scarlet Letter.
- Friendly reading support ensures understanding and enjoyment - Guided Reading Questions guide students through the work by raising important issues in key passages - Footnotes explain obscure references, unusual usages, and terms - Words for Everyday Use entries define and give pronunciations for difficult terms