When faced with a challenging dermatologic problem, physicians are often required to do a time-consuming search through large dermatologic texts to find the information on the necessary differential diagnosis.
Get Set - Go! is a lively language course for children learning English for the first time. Get Set - Go! has a carefully graded syllabus which provides steady progression in all four skills. The lower levels emphasize speaking and listening but also lay a foundation for the more demanding comprehension and story-writing skills in later levels. Get Set - Go! is based around a variety of texts and activities, including entertaining stories, songs and games.
Audio divided into tracks added Thanks to nebo_Londona!
Added by: goluboglazaya | Karma: 106.02 | Other | 15 August 2009
All of the jigsaw readings in the following folders are in sets of three, i.e. there are 3 different texts. The common factor in all of them is that they are (usually murder) cases to be solved by the students in your class, who have been asked by an overworked Sherlock Holmes to help him out. Each of the texts in each set contains different information; when this information is shared, it is possible to work out what happened. As you will see, the texts take the form of letters to Sherlock Holmes or newspaper reports.
В пособии представлены различные тексты о Великобритании, которые знакомят школьников со страной изучаемого языка, ее географическим положением, политической системой, административно-территориальной структурой, историей, традициями и обычаями. Тексты сопровождаются грамматическими упражнениями.
The United Kingdom: Texts for oral and written work in English. All tasks in English