So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Added by: stoker | Karma: 5556.59 | Audiobooks | 24 March 2011
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Douglas Adams - So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Arthur heads back to the earth he knows and loves, hitching in spacecrafts and then in a car with an exquisitely beautiful unconscious girl and her git of a brother. Meanwhile, Ford is in a space bar with a bad rep trying to pay for an entire bar tab using American Express... which no one in the known universe accepts. He, too, soon discovers the re-existence of Earth and wonders if Arthur knows.
Tags: Arthur , knows , Thanks , Express , which
The Snowman Cassette
Added by: куська | Karma: 8.15 | Kids , Audio | 22 March 2011
The original storybook with activities for young learners of English.
The story of the snowman who comes to life has enchanted readers all over the world for many years.
Reuploaded Thanks to Toyotka
10 comments, 5882 views
Tags: the snowman , cassette , readers , enchanted , comes , world , years , REUPLOAD , NEEDED , Reuploaded , Thanks
Spotlight 11 Teacher's book +Test audio
Added by: snwwte | Karma: 3109.25 | Only for teachers , Audio | 19 March 2011
Spotlight 11 Teacher's book
Книга для учителя к УМК Spotlight ("Английский в фокусе") 11 класс
Audio for the tests added Thanks to myusika
Tags: Spotlight , класс , Teacher , фокусе , Английский , учителя , added , Thanks , myusika
Saint Patricks Day Fun
Added by: aline | Karma: 0 | Kids | 5 March 2011
Saint Patricks Day Fun
Puzzles, games and coloring pages, hidden pictures, crafts, recipes and lots more fun. Primary grades.
Reuploaded Thanks to statsenko
13 comments, 6143 views
Tags: crafts , recipes , Primary , gradesPatricks , pictures , grades , REUPLOADEDPatricks , Patricks , nbspREUPLOADEDSt , Saint , REUPLOAD , Thanks
Happy birthday, Admin!!!
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68077.20 | Site Announcements | 1 March 2011
May your birthday be as special as you are!
Thanks for giving us this site and keeping it alive.
Happy birthday !!!