First Steps in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
First Steps in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics is an introduction to the liguistics branches (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics lexicography, translation and discourse analysis.
Style is of vital practical interest to college writing teachers, because everyone has to teach it one way or another. Yet for about two decades, the theoretical discussion of how to address prose style in teaching college writing has been stuck, with style standing in as a proxy for other stakes in the theory wars. A consequence of the impasse is that a theory of style itself has not been well articulated. In Refiguring Prose Style, Johnson and Pace suggest that move the field toward a better consensus will require establishing style as a clearer subject of inquiry. Accordingly, this collection takes up a comprehensive study of the subject.
Events, Phrases, and Questions (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)Robert Truswell is British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics and English Language at the School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh. His research broadly concerns the interfaces between syntax and semantics. He received his PhD in Phonetics and Linguistics from University College London in 2007 and then spent a year as a postdoctoral research fellow at Tufts University.
A Natural History of Infixation (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)
This book presents the first cross-linguistic study of the phenomenon of infixation, typically associated in English with words like "im-bloody-possible", and found in all the world's major linguistic families. Infixation is a central puzzle in prosodic morphology: Professor Yu explores its prosodic, phonological, and morphological characteristics, considers its diverse functions, and formulates a general theory to explain the rules and constraints by which it is governed. He examines 154 infixation patterns from over a hundred languages, including examples from Asia, Europe, Africa, New Guinea, and South America.
The new edition of this popular course in translation from French into English offers a challenging practical approach to the acquisition of translation skills, with clear explanations of the theoretical issues involved.