Teoretical Grammar of English by A.T. Iriskulov PhD, Professor of Uzbek State World Languages University covers the course of Theory English grammar for sutents of Languages Universities. It will be valuable for linguists as well.
The book covers the major issues in the generative analysis of vowel harmony and vowel harmony typology. It offers an economical account of the most prominent features of vowel harmony systems within the framework of optimality theory, extending the notion of correspondence to the syntagmatic dimension. The book contains a typological overview of vowel harmony patterns, an introduction to the basics of optimality theory including some of its most recent extensions and detailed studies of harmony systems in 10 languages from a variety of language families.
Now anyone can grasp Einstein's great theory of relativity -- without formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In Relativity Demystified, theoretical physicists (and student-savvy authors) David McMahon and Paul Ansing provide an effective, illuminating, and entertaining way to learn the essentials and formulas of Einstein's theories. With Relativity Demystified, you master the subject one step at a time-at your own speed. This unique self-teaching guide offers problems at the end of each chapter and part to pinpoint weaknesses, and a 100-question final exam to reinforce the entire book.
The Pelican Brief is a legal-suspense thriller written by John Grisham in 1992.
John Grisham's head was full of movies when he wrote "The Pelican Brief", which is such a brisk page-turner you could use it to dry your hair. He had Julia Roberts in mind for the heroine, Darby Shaw, a brilliant Tulane law student who comes up with an ingenious theory to explain the baffling assassinations of two Supreme Court justices in one day...