By Myself Book. Hundreds of things to do when there’s nothing to do
Книга о том, как не скучая и с пользой провести время. А так как книга на английском языке, то для подростков это ещё и интересная практика в английском – сначала перевести, а потом сделать.
A collection of things for children to do on their own. The activities include quizzes, games, tricks, making self-portraits, ideas for spy-proofing a bedroom and garden fun for sunny days. Charlotte Stowell previously illustrated Kingfisher's A-Z Activity Books and the Ready Steady Go series.
This book can be used along with Reader's Choice Course 4.
The Reader's Choice Course 4: ""The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar, and familiar things new."" - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
The How -To Handbook: Shortcuts and Solutions for the Problems of Everyday Life
Whether you plan on spending your life playing sports, serving clients, running businesses, or flying to the moon, there are certain things that everyone just has to know how to do: unjamming a jar, for instance, fixing a flat tire, and removing a particularly embarrassing stain. They may seem simple in retrospect, but you don’t have to turn all your laundry pink more than once before you learn that it’s best just to get things right the first time.
I thought I had cracked the case when I found out who was trying to sabotage Sydney's wedding out of jealousy. It's easy to be envious of a gorgeous model betrothed to the hottest reality star on television. But even after I uncovered the villain, things did not go as smoothly as I had hoped. Could Sydney be sabotaging her own wedding due to cold feet?
In Cooling, a visiting inventor and two young islanders, Olive and Troy, try to beat the heat on a hot summer day by cooling off in the river -- only to find that the Island’s mammoth population has already beaten them to the water, and there’s no room left for the humans! Olive suggests that they build a machine to create a breeze for them. After tinkering in the inventor’s workshop for a time, they apply what they learn about how refrigerators work and wind up building some machines that are really cool