Time is against you. You know what you'd like to say if you could only find the words. But some things in life are strictly... TABOO. Example: How do you get your team to say the word BIRTHDAY... if you can't say the words HAPPY, ANNIVERSARY, CANDLES, PRESENTS or CAKE? You might say: "Friends and family sing to you once each year," or "You celebrate this event by blowing out a fire on top of a frosted dessert." Or you might hum the well-known tune until your team shouts, "Birthday!"
Health, Home, and Community focuses on personal security, health, and community issues. Topics in the video Going to the doctor, the pharmacy, cleaning the home, alternative medicine, reporting a crime, getting things fixed, social services.
Primary colors 2 (audio only)This exciting four-level course is packed with fun activities. Right from the start, children are fully involved in thinking for themselves, doing things themselves, and making things themselves.