In 1979, Margaret Thatcher rose to power and the ensuing years are key to understanding Britain in the 21st century. Laybourn and Collette have gathered a carefully selected collection of materials from primary and secondary sources. They cover the major themes in British social and cultural history and politics of the last 25 years; trade unionism, the welfare state, Conservative politics, Blair's "Third Way". The conflict over Britain's relations with Europe, along with regionalism and devolution are illustrated, as well as the shifts in ethnicity, racial and sexual equality and immigration.
Rome's Gothic Wars, From the Third Century to Alaric
Late in August 410, Rome was starving, its residents were turning on one another, and, to make matters worse, the Gothic army camped at Rome's gates was restless. The Gothic commander was Alaric, a Roman general and barbarian chieftain. Leading an army that was short of food and potentially mutinous, sacking Rome was his only way forward. The old heart of Rome's empire fell to a conqueror's sword for the first time in eight hundred years.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 14 September 2010
The Mammoth Hunters - Jean Auel
The Mammoth Hunters is a historical fiction novel by Jean M. Auel, releashed in 1985. It is the sequel to The Valley of the Horses and third in the Earth’s Children series.
Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Interchange Third Edition Level 3 Student's Book builds on the foundations established in Level 2 for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills.
Interchange Third edition is a four-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. Student's Book 2 builds on the foundations established in Level 1 for accurate and fluent communication, extending grammatical, lexical, and functional skills.