If you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place.
Hot English Magazine is a leading English resource.
Learn 20 of the most important phrasal verbs in English! Also, read about a great new film by Jordan Belfort - a real·life con artist (played by actor Leonardo DiCaprio). Find out what he did and what he's doing now. of course, that's not all. We've also got articles on the sauna, the Yeli, Google, airports, Country·Pop,3D printers, luxury brands, holiday seams, intelligence, lucky people, crowdfunding and lots, lots more.
Kurs skutecznie uczy 200 czasowników frazowych (phrasal verbs), np. give up, put out itd. Przeznaczony jest dla osób rednio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych, które chciayby poszerzy swoj znajomo angielskiego sownictwa oraz udoskonali rozumienie ze suchu. Kurs skada si z 16 lekcji, kada z nich zawiera nauk nowych zwrotów, nagrania zda z przykadem ich uycia oraz dialog lub tekst pokazujcy ich wystpowanie w kontekcie. Kada lekcja koczy si wiczeniami powtórkowymi, dziki którym czasowniki zostaj trwale zapamitane.
Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way... if you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place. Hot English magazine is a leading English resource. Its fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it's spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there's something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.