"How To Master Skills For The TOEFL iBT Listening" is designed to be a TOEFL iBT listening preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are preparing for the test on their own. Each unit provides a step-by-step program that includes question-solving strategies and the development of test-taking abilities. Book added Thanks to conkien_1410!
Sharpening Skills for the TOEFL iBT provides students preparing to take the TOEFL iBT test with four comprehensive, accurate practice tests to hone their test-taking ability. Each of the four tests includes reading, listening, speaking, and writing sections of the same style found on the actual TOEFL iBT test. In addition, each section is designed to provide students with the look and feel of a real TOEFL iBT test in order to increase familiarity and confidence when taking the actual test.
The Princeton Review offers the most complete and effective preparation for the TOEFL iBT. Their unique approach to standardized tests has not only significantly boosted the students’ scores, but it’s also revolutionized the test-prep industry. Each year Cracking the TOEFL iBT is republished and updated, 2009 edition book has new chapter to help you practice your speaking, including sample responses, additional grammar review to brush up on your basics. More than 175 practice questions, plus 1 full-length simulated TOEFL iBT with audio sections on CD.
Northstar: Building Skills for the Toefl iBT Advanced (2006) Аудиокурс для подготовки к экзамену TOEFL. Pearson Longman and ETS combine their expertise in language learning and test development to create an innovative approach to building the skills assessed in the new TOEFL® Internet-based test (iBT).