The fourth edition of this bestselling book examines the breadth of lifelong learning from Adult and Further Education through to training in private and public industry and commerce. Revised and updated throughout to include recent initiatives and developments in the field, it is the definitive textbook on learning, teaching, resources, course planning and assessment in all areas of post-compulsory education and training.
This text is essential reading for teachers and students training to teach in post-compulsory education.
The popularity of entertainment gaming over the last decades has led to the use of games for non-entertainment purposes in areas such as training and business support. The emergence of the serious games movement has capitalized on this interest in leisure gaming, with an increase in leisure game approaches in schools, colleges, universities and in professional training and continuing professional development.The movement raises many significant issues and challenges for us. How can gaming and simulation technologies be used to engage learners? How can games be used to motivate, deepen and accelerate learning? How can they be used to greatest effect in learning and teaching?
High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society
High Price is the harrowing and inspiring memoir of neuroscientist Carl Hart, a man who grew up in one of Miami’s toughest neighborhoods and, determined to make a difference as an adult, tirelessly applies his scientific training to help save real lives.
A five-level general English course for 14-19 year-olds, who are also preparing for the school-leaving exam. The clear structure and step-by-step approach to communication provides supported language and skills training to get students speaking confidently. Key features
The Typing Reflex will help you to learn the ten fingers touch-type method. The training course is designed to instill the right reflex of correct finger movement without look to the keyboard. Due to it high efficiency and speed of training is achieved.