
Lecture notes for a first semester graduate introduction to theoretical syntax at The University of Massachusetts. |
Tags: MassachusettsIntroduction, University, Transformational, Grammar, Johnson |

Modern English linguistics: A structural and transformational grammar by John P Broderick
Modern English Linguistics showed how transformational grammar developed
out of American structuralist morphology and syntax. It then went on
to describe English grammar in some detail using the so-called "extended
standard theory" of transformational grammar described in Noam Chomsky's
book, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Despite considerable changes
in Chomsky's ideas in the 1980s and 1990s (as for example, government and
binding theory), linguistics textbooks continued to be published well into
the 1990s that were still based on the Aspects model. |
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Tags: grammar, transformational, English, linguistics, Modern |