IELTS Writing Task 2 Strategy and Tactics BAND 7+
After these courses you can
Achieve a Band Score 6 or Higher
Pass all sections of the IELTS Exam
Apply IELTS Strategies and Tactics
Schedule an actual IELTS Exam
Confidently answer IELTS Reading
Successfully overcome IELTS Listening tricks and traps
Know what IELTS Examiners want from Speaking test
Write IELTS essays with excellence
Tags: IELTS , Tactics , traps , tricks , Listening , Strategy , Writing , overcome
IELTS Writing Task 1 Strategy and Tactics BAND 7+
After this course you can:
Achieve a Band Score 6 or Higher
Pass all sections of the IELTS Exam
Apply IELTS Strategies and Tactics
Schedule an actual IELTS Exam
Confidently answer IELTS Reading
Successfully overcome IELTS Listening tricks and traps
Know what IELTS Examiners want from Speaking test
Write IELTS essays with excellence
Tags: IELTS , Tactics , traps , tricks , Listening , Strategy , Writing
IELTS Band 7 Preparation Course General Overview
Added by: luudanthoinay | Karma: 558.46 | IELTS , Learning Videos | 4 April 2019
IELTS Band 7 Preparation Course General Overview
Achieve a Band Score 6 or Higher
Pass all sections of the IELTS Exam
Apply IELTS Strategies and Tactics
Schedule an actual IELTS Exam
Confidently answer IELTS Reading
Successfully overcome IELTS Listening tricks and traps
Know what IELTS Examiners want from Speaking test
Write IELTS essays with excellence
Tags: IELTS , Examiners , Speaking , traps , tricks , General , Overview , Preparation , Course
IELTS Listening Strategy and Tactics BAND 7+
Added by: luudanthoinay | Karma: 558.46 | IELTS , Learning Videos | 30 March 2019
IELTS Listening Strategy and Tactics BAND 7+
After these courses you can:
Achieve a Band Score 6 or Higher
Pass all sections of the IELTS Exam
Apply IELTS Strategies and Tactics
Schedule an actual IELTS Exam
Confidently answer IELTS Reading
Successfully overcome IELTS Listening tricks and traps
Know what IELTS Examiners want from Speaking test
Write IELTS essays with excellence
Tags: IELTS , Tactics , Listening , traps , tricks , Strategy , overcome
Cracking the ACT Premium Edition with 8 Practice Tests, 2018
Added by: panarang | Karma: 451.45 | Exam Materials | 10 February 2018
Cracking the ACT Premium Edition with 8 Practice Tests, 2018
THE ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION FOR YOUR HIGHEST POSSIBLE ACT SCORE—including 8 full-length practice tests for realistic prep, content reviews for all test sections, techniques for scoring success, and premium online extras.
This eBook edition has been specially formatted for on-screen viewing with cross-linked questions, answers, and explanations.
Tags: tactics , Powerful , avoid , traps , pacing , Cracking , Tests , Practice , Premium , Edition