Tyler Burge presents a collection of his seminal essays on Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), who has a strong claim to be seen as the founder of modern analytic philosophy, and whose work remains at the centre of philosophical debate today. Truth, Thought, Reason gathers some of Burge's most influential work from the last twenty-five years, and also features important new material, including a substantial introduction and postscripts to four of the ten papers. It will be an essential resource for any historian of modern philosophy, and for anyone working on philosophy of language, epistemology, or philosophical logic.
The Meaty Truth: Why Our Food Is Destroying Our Health and Environment – and Who Is Responsible
Added by: avrodavies | Karma: 1114.24 | Other | 5 October 2014
The Meaty Truth is an eye-opening look at the massive problems caused by the American population’s food supply. Water, meat, and milk and other dairy products are filled with toxins, antibiotics, untested growth hormones, ammonia, and animal pus and manure.
All the truth about learning English - Cała prawda o nauce języka angielskiego
Skoro trafiłeś na tę stronę, to zakładam, że uczyłeś się, uczysz się lub planujesz nauczyć się języka angielskiego, tylko coś Cię przed tym powstrzymuje. Jeśli podjąłeś kiedyś próby i nie robiłeś takich postępów, jakich byś oczekiwał, to najprawdopodobniej pomyślałeś sobie: `Pewnie się do tego nie nadaję nie mam wystarczająco dużych zdolności językowych.` Być może stwierdzałeś, że to kwestia wieku, czyli że jesteś za stary na naukę języka obcego. Brzmi znajomo? Wszystko, co myślisz, że wiesz o nauce języka angielskiego to bujda!
A beautiful and distinguished family. A private island. A brilliant, damaged girl; a passionate, political boy. A group of four friends—the Liars—whose friendship turns destructive. A revolution. An accident. A secret. Lies upon lies. True love. The truth. We Were Liars is a modern, sophisticated suspense novel from National Book Award finalist and Printz Award honoree E. Lockhart. Read it. And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE
A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact
What if UFO secrecy ended tomorrow? The transition from B.C. (Before Confirmation) to A.D. (After Disclosure) is the ultimate "what if?" scenario in which the calendar is reset and history begins again.