A history of the forging of the Scottish kingdom. In AD 1000 the Scottish kings embarked on a dramatic expansion of their territories. Geoffrey Barrow describes the evolution of Scottish kingship and government during the period. He examines the character of Scottish feudalism, considers how Scotland's landscape influenced its society and outlook on the world, and traces the growth of a sense of national identity up to 1306 and the coronation of Robert the Bruce as Robert I. Updated throughout, the new edition includes a new chapter on education and learning. Includes 2 maps, chronology, further reading, glossary, genealogy.
This is the big one from Peter Ackroyd — and a worthy companion to London: The Biography. Only Peter Ackroyd can combine readable narrative and unique observation with a sharp eye for the fascinating fact. His method is to position Shakespeare in the close context of his world. In this way, he not only richly conjures up the texture of Shakespeare’s life, but also imparts an amazing amount of vivid, interesting material about place, period and background.
What could be better than the bestselling Schaum's Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum's Easy Outline series. Every book in this series is a pared-down, simplified, and tightly focused version of its predecessor. With an emphasis on clarity and brevity, each new title features a streamlined and updated format and the absolute essence of the subject, presented in a concise and readily understandable form.
This is an excellent book that a teacher can use in discussing sensitive topics in bioethics such as abortion, cloning, euthanasia and stem cell research. In its 3rd edition, the 457 entries were all updated.
The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods
The Engineering Design of Systems compiles a wealth of information from diverse sources, pring a unique, one-stop reference of current methods and models for systems engineering. This updated edition features important new information on Systems Modeling Language (SysML), more descriptive material on usage scenarios based on literature from use case development, updated homework assignments, and use of the software product CORE to generate the SysML figures. This book serves as an excellent introductory reference suitable for students and professionals alike.