The Importance of Living is a wry, witty antidote to the dizzying pace of the modern world. Lin Yutang's prescription is the classic Chinese philosophy of life: Revere inaction as much as action, invoke humor to maintain a healthy attitude, and never forget that there will always be plenty of fools around who are willing-indeed, eager-to be busy, to make themselves useful, and to exercise power while you bask in the simple joy of existence.At a time when we're overwhelmed with wake-up calls, here is a refreshing, playful reminder to savor life's simple pleasures.
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1000 Q&As provide the preparation you need to ace the pain medicine board exams and anesthesiology recertification! "The book is meant for all physicians who are practicing interventional pain medicine. It is certainly a very helpful book for any pain fellow getting ready for board examinations....There are other pain review books available...but none as useful as this book is in preparing readers for the pain boards.
Thesis Projects A Guide for Students in Computer Science
The authors have written a short book for students doing final year projects in computer science and information systems. Because the authors are from Sweden, the details of the procedures and expectations will vary in other countries. However, in the hands of a discerning reader, this book could be useful at several levels, at many colleges and universities, and in many countries.
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