Can I Freeze It?: How to Use the Most Versatile Appliance in Your Kitchen
Freezers are one of the most useful––and most neglected––tools in the kitchen. Particularly great for those dark winter months when you want to get dinner on the table 15 minutes after you get home from work––think lasagna, stews, curries, and soups––freezers are also useful for entertaining friends when time is short.
Activating Vocabulary 1 is designed for teachers with limited preparation time who want to provide lively, motivating language skills lessons to introduce, test or revise the use of vocabulary.
The activities are simple to use and self-explanatory but useful teaching tips are included to maximise the benefit to students.
Essentials - the UK's most useful magazine. Packed with hundreds of useful tips and ideas on beauty, fashion, home and wellbeing you'll be wanting to keep this on file! Every month, a 32-page special section of the magazine is dedicated to great 'How to Advice' for your life. Fabulous easy recipes, step by step beauty, simple style tips for your home etc.
"The idea when we started was to collect the core Emergency Medicine information and present it in an abbreviated, succinct manner, useful to housestaff and medical students. As we progressed it became obvious that the very breadth of the specialty prevented any one person from accomplishing this task. It also became obvious that our specialty had advanced past the point where succinctness was possible. We peeled, boiled and pared, and came up with this. We hope you find it useful."
Essentials - the UK's most useful magazine. Packed with hundreds of useful tips and ideas on beauty, fashion, home and wellbeing you'll be wanting to keep this on file! Every month, a 32-page special section of the magazine is dedicated to great 'How to Advice' for your life. Fabulous easy recipes, step by step beauty, simple style tips for your home etc.