Verbs of Implicit Negation and their Complements in the History of English
For sale in all countries except Japan. For customers in Japan: please contact Yushodo Co. The principal focus of this book concerns various shifts of complements which verbs of implicit negation (e.g. forbid, forbear, avoid, prohibit, and prevent) have experienced in the history of English. Forbid, for example, was once followed by that-clauses, while in contemporary English it is in usual cases followed by to-infinitives except in the fixed form God forbid that … Although a number of English verbs have undergone similar syntactic changes, the paths they have selected in their historical development are not always the same.
FCE KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION MADE EASY This book has been written to help students prepare for the Key Word Transformation part of the Use of English paper (grammar) of Cambridge English FCE exam. It will give you a good understanding of the different grammatical structures commonly used in this part of the Use of English test, e.g. passive - active voice , conditional sentences , phrasal verbs, idioms, set phrases, comparative-superlative, causative verbs, linking words,etc. If you want to learn how to do Key word transformation exercises effectively, this book is for you.
Learn English with the Hot English app! English for all levels (easy – advanced). A monthly magazine for learning English: readings (current topics, words explained) + listenings (lots of accents) + exercises + videos. Idioms, phrasal verbs, useful expressions, grammar, vocabulary. Learn faster because it’s fun!
While the argument structure of verbs has long been a central issue in linguistic research of all varieties and continues to be a vexed area of research across a wide range of theoretical and empirical approaches, the inter-disciplinary perspective and dialogue remain largely under explored. This collection stems from an interest to find and explore practical, tangible points of intersection between theoretical linguists, psycholinguists and neurolinguists working on problems related to the representation and processing of verbs and their associated thematic structure.
Big Grammar Book for students of English/ESL/EFL at intermediate level (2015)
This full-length book contains 101 free printable worksheets on a wide range of vital English grammar topics, including: question forms, state verbs, phrasal verbs, reported speech, use of articles, error correction, and much more. This book has a special focus on practising tenses which are important at intermediate level, including: past perfect, present perfect continuous, future perfect, and the four conditionals.