Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Volume 2: Applications
Applied financial econometrics subjects are featured in this second volume, with papers that survey important research even as they make unique empirical contributions to the literature. These subjects are familiar: portfolio choice, trading volume, the risk-return tradeoff, option pricing, bond yields, and the management, supervision, and measurement of extreme and infrequent risks. Yet their treatments are exceptional, drawing on current data and evidence to reflect recent events and scholarship.
While Five In A Row cannot be described as a complete curriculum, it IS a fantastic resource. The lessons included for each story are great "jumping-off" points. I don't typically do all of the suggested activities but use the activities as a place to start. Then we take off in whatever direction we choose, following the interests of my 5yr old.
Flummoxed by formulas? Queasy about equations? Perturbed by π? Now you can stop cursing over calculus and start cackling over Math, another volume in Bill Robertson's accurate but amusing Stop Faking It! bestsellers.
Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus
Originally published in 1899. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections was scanned on an APT BookScan and converted to JPG 2000 format by Kirtas Technologies. All titles scanned cover to cover and pages may include marks notations and other marginalia present in the original volume.