The Book consists of 2 Volumes - Volume 1 The microbiology of wine and vinifications focuses on the vinification process. It describes how yeasts work and how they can be influenced to achieve better results. Volume 2 - The chemistry of wine, stabilization and treatments uniquely combines chemical theory with the descriptions of day-to-day work in the latter stages of winemaking from clarification and stabilization treatments to ageing processes in vats and barrels.
Cardiac Development By Margaret L. Kirby This is the only in-depth, single author survey of heart development. It will provide a more systematic, up-to-date synthesis of the subject than any other volume, spanning the range from classical anatomical studies to recent findings in molecular biology.
75 years after Vygotsky's death, scholarship exploring developmental relations between language and thought continues to be strong. This timely edited volume compiles contributions from international leaders in the field on the roles of language and private speech (self-talk) in the development of self-regulation and executive functioning in children and adults. New theoretical insights, empirical research, and potential clinical and educational applications of scholarship on private speech are presented.
Uncertain Mirrors realigns magical realism within a changing critical landscape, from Aristotelian mimesis to Adorno’s concept of negative dialectics. In between, the volume traverses a vast theoretical arena, from postmodernism and postcolonialism to Lévinasian philosophy and eco-criticism. The volume opens and closes with dialectical instability, as it recasts the mutability of the term "mimesis" as both a "world-reflecting" and a "world-creating" mechanism.
Deciphers amylin's physiology and reveals previously unrecognized mechanisms fundamental to control body weight and fuel homeostasis. Also discusses therapeutic utility of amylin as the first new medicine to treat diabetes since insulin. *Provides a current comprehensive treatment of amylin the hormone *Identifies the majority of amylin's physiologic functions