The dramatic advances—and controversies—of the past 25 years in understanding the epidemiology and treatment (both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy), and the health care and delivery issues surrounding major depression are presented in this collection. Divided into four parts, this fascinating volume comprises the contributions of internationally renowned experts from the United States, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
Creativity can be as difficult to define as it is to achieve. This is a complex and compelling area of study and this volume is perfectly poised to explore how creativity can be better understood, and used, in a range of contexts. The book not only centres on creativity in wider organizational theory, but also defines the conditions in which creativity can flourish, and assesses how the contemporary business environment has an impact on creative solutions. The volume grounds the concept of creativity in a sound theoretical framework and explores issues of practical and theoretical consequence covering a range of themes, including: innovation and entrepreneurship; creativity and design; environmental influences; knowledge management; meta-theories of creativity; personal creativity; and, structured interventions.
Volume III: The Upper Class explores the lives of the very rich, focusing on those in the top 5 percent of America's income level, including what they spent their money on, their ability to influence their communities, build companies through the timely infusion of capital, as well as their desire to party in Palm Beach or associate with the Dukes, Astors and Vanderbilts. Volume III: The Upper Class includes families whose only concern is making money, families whose only wish is to spend it and even some who are on the verge of losing the status often bestowed by wealth through bankruptcy.
This Second Volume in the Working Americans, 1880-1999 series focuses on the social and economic lives of the Middle Class. This volume captures the struggles of the middle class from the last twelve decades, a vast array of ethnic backgrounds and broad coverage of the nation. Covering jobs in several different types of occupational groups, from an architect to a tug boat captain, a newspaper editor to a minister, this volume provides a unique portrait of the lifestyles of middle class families that is not available in any other resource.
This volume is aimed at the advancement of manga and prepared by a group of assistants to popular manga artist Yu Kinutani. It begins with the use of drawing utensils and covers character faces, full bodies, arms, legs, hair and so on. The instructions are presented in easy-to-understand "blocks". A great way to begin a hobby or career in the field of Japanese manga. English Language.
Edited by: stovokor - 11 December 2008
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