This book presents important research on Russia. Topics discussed herein include the New START Treaty; Russia's accession to the WTO; permanent normal trade relations; human rights practices; food and agricultural import regulations and standards; nuclear arms control; WTO enforcement actions; military equipment and technology sales; politics and economics under Putin; and Russia's homegrown insurgency.
Despite the fact that test development is a growth industry that cuts across all levels of education and all the professions, there has never been a comprehensive, research-oriented Handbook to which everyone (developers and consumers) can turn for guidance. That is the mission of this book. This thirty two-chapter volume is organized into six sections: foundations, content, item development, test design, test production and administration, and post-test activities.
This book presents an innovative and novel approach to linguistic semantics, starting from the idea that language can be described as a mechanism for the expression of linguistic Meanings as particular surface forms, or Texts. Semantics is specifically that system of rules that ensures a transition from a Semantic Representation of the Meaning of a family of synonymous sentences to the Deep-Syntactic Representation of a particular sentence. Framed in the terms of Meaning-Text linguistics, the present volume closes the publication of the three volume series.
This concise volume presents key concepts and entries from the twelve-volume ICA International Encyclopedia of Communication (2008), condensing leading scholarship into a practical and valuable single volume. Based on the definitive twelve-volume IEC, this new concise edition presents key concepts and the most relevant headwords of communication science in an A-Z format in an up-to-date manner
Rather than simply a record of proceedings (3rd International Conference on Functional Grammar, Amsterdam, June 1988), this volume contains revised and expanded papers from the conference and other papers inspired by the lively discussion there. The volume focuses on the nature of the structures assumed to underlie utterances in natural languages, in two respects. One area is the question of whether to expand the representations accepted in Functional Grammar (FG) in order to capture interpersonal functions, i.e., communication between speaker and hearer in a particular situation and context, to include, for example, aspect, tense, modality and illocutionary force.