Whether you're a polar bear giving birth to cubs in an Arctic winter, a camel going days without water in the desert heat, or merely a suburbanite without air conditioning in a heat wave, your comfort and even survival depend on how well you adapt to extreme temperatures. In this entertaining and illuminating book, biopsychologist Mark Blumberg explores the many ways that temperature rules the lives of all animals (including us).
MBA in a Nutshell: The Classic Accelerated Learner Program
Master MBA key concepts without stepping foot in a classroom Save yourself the thousands of dollars it cost for an MBA education. Dr. Milo Sobel presents core concepts taught in prestigious MBA programs such as Harvard, Wharton, and Stanford—without the heavy price tag and heavier classroom hours.
If you've ever wanted to draw cars quickly and easily ... using the exact same insider tips and techniques of the pros ... produce amazing drawings of your favorite cars effortlessly ... and fast track your drawing skills to the levels of the pros without spending thousands of dollars and years attending college ... then this is going to be the most exciting message you'll ever read!
Star & Stripes ECPE Proficiency Coursebook (Without Audio/Keys)
Stars & Stripes Michigan ECPE Book is intended for Proficiency learners taking the ECPE Michigan exam. The course follows the principles of CEF level C2.