Test Talk: Integrating Test Preparation into Reading Workshop
Under No Child Left Behind, nearly every teacher faces a high-stakes balancing act; managing the often incompatible responsibilities of teaching students meaningfully or preparing them for standardized tests. Through their experiences teaching at a school that struggled to meet state test standards driven by NCLB, authors Amy Greene and Glennon Melton discovered a way to raise scores without compromising their strong beliefs about good teaching and learning. In Test Talk, Amy and Glennon share their story and their proven approach.
Getting Past the Pain Between Us: Healing and Reconciliation Without Compromise
In this important and insightful work, Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD, demonstrates the powerful healing potential of the Nonviolent Communication (NVC) process. You can transform emotional pain, depression, shame, and conflict into empowering connections. Rosenberg shares that behind all emotional pain are unmet needs.
If you are on a craft budget (and who isn't in the current economy?), have a look at this collection of 60 low‐cost craft projects, sorted into categories such as needle craft, home decor, crafts for kids and more. We want you to know you can still enjoy your favorite hobbies without spending a lot of cash. With a few craft projects, you will have thrifty gifts for every occasion.
Intercultural resource pack - Latin American perspectives
"English as a Global Language" a perspective that has introduced changes in the English Language Teaching (ELT) context worldwide. Global communication requires more than sharing a common code. Global trade and traveling made it necessary to develop intercultural competence, a skill associated with an understanding of cultural diversity without losing our own cultural identity.
Teen Readers - a series of exciting readers, written specifically for young learners of English ( approximately 11-17 years old). The series has four levels of difficulty, with illustrations, footnotes, a few questions but, unfortunately, without audio. Level 3, based on a vocabulary of 1200 words.