Anyone who wants to write clear and accurate English, using the correct word in a particular context, will find this book helpful, and a useful companion to the Easier English Basic Dictionary.
Groups of similar words are arranged alphabetically under the main word for the particular meaning being illustrated, so words meaning ‘big’ are given at big. The ways in which these similar words are used in different situations are compared. Words with an opposite meaning to the main meaning being illustrated (known as ‘antonyms’) are also given.
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure by Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy
Book Description:
include: words, sentences and dictionaries a word and its parts (roots
and affixes) a word and its forms (inflection) a word and its relatives
(derivation) compound words word structure productivity and the
historical sources of English word formation. It presupposes no
linguistic training, is aimed at students of English (literature or
language) and also provides a sound basis for further linguistic study.
Exercise material, with answers and discussion, has been included, to
serve as models for further exercises.
Our national language, and the culture from which it has formed, is the rightful inheritance of all English-speaking people. It deserves to be taught with knowledge and respect. English is now spoken, also, by more than 500 million people around the world. They need the opportunity to learn to speak and write it confidently, and correctly. Grammar provides a language to talk about language. As a mechanic needs naming words for the parts of an engine, so a student needs naming words for the components of speech and writing.