A Global History: From Prehistory to the 21st Century (Fifth Edition)
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 6 July 2016
This exploration of world history takes an interdisciplinary, global (rather than a regional or national) approach - tracing those major forces, movements, and events that had a world-wide impact. Surveying a full sweep of world history, the sixth edition provides a balanced coverage of both Eastern and Western regions, from earliest man to the present day.
Plato is perhaps the most significant philosopher who has ever lived and The Republic, composed in Athens in about 375 BC, is widely regarded as his most famous dialogue. Its discussion of the perfect city — and the perfect mind — laid the foundations for Western culture and, for over two thousand years, has been the cornerstone of Western philosophy. As the distinguished professor Simon Blackburn points out, it has probably sustained more commentary, and been subject to more radical and impassioned disagreement...
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Panther Books proudly present the first independent Western evaluation of the Russian space programme and the flight of Major Yuri Gagarin — the first man into space. This is not simply Gagarin’s life story; it is the history of the whole Soviet effort in this field, with its problems, its successes and its failures. For the fist time: Gagarin himself, in the first private interview that the Russians allowed with Western journalists, describes his feelings during his historic 108-minute orbit of the world.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 2 August 2015
Appropriate for one-semester art history surveys or historically-focused art appreciation classes, A History of Western Art, Fifth Edition, combines sound scholarship, lavish visuals, and a lively narrative to provide students with an accessible and engaging introduction to art history. Focusing on the Western canon, the text presents a compelling chronological narrative from prehistory to the present. A non-Western supplement, World Views: Topics in Non-Western Art, addresses specific areas of non-Western art and augments the Western chronology by illustrating moments of thematic relationships and cross-cultural contact.
Wild West Magazine presents the great American frontier from its beginnings to today. America’s western frontier has been a vital part of the country’s myths and reality, from the earliest exploration beyond the territory of the first colonies, to the wide expanses of the western prairies and deserts. Experience the old west and cowboys and Indians from top historical writers. Wild West brings to life the fascinating history, lore and culture of the great American frontier.