Its high-level perspective on the global economy differentiates this introduction to international finance from other textbooks. Melvin and Norrbin provide essential information for those who seek employment in multinational industries, while competitors focus on standard economic tools and financial management skills. Readers learn how to reach their own conclusions about trends and new developments, not simply function within an organization. The 8th edition, newly updated and expanded, offers concise descriptions, current case studies, and new pedagogical materials to help readers make sense of global finance.
Spotlight on CAE is a completely new, comprehensive course carefully written to the new CAE exam specifications introduced in December 2008. It prepares adult and younger learners to excel in the revised exam.
My purpose here was to create a to-the-point and complete account of how task 1 and task 2 of IELTS writing modules should be dealt with. Most books I have taught are either not cohesively sound or unnecessarily detailed. When it comes to exam preparation in Iran, the milestone is concision and simplicity. This set of materials attempt to prepare individuals within the context of a classroom or in the comfort of their homes for those who prefer to self-study
Four people in a car, hoping to make Chicago by morning. One man driving, eyes on the road. Another man next to him, telling stories that don’t add up. A woman in the back, silent and worried. And next to her, a huge man with a broken nose, hitching a ride east to Virginia. An hour behind them, a man lies stabbed to death in an old pumping station. He was seen going in with two others, but he never came out. He has been executed, the knife work professional, the killers vanished. Within minutes, the police are notified. Within hours, the FBI descends, laying claim to the victim without ever saying who he was or why he was there.
The story is a page turner from beginning to end and a delightful read in Puck light and easy going voice. It allows you a look into this character that the other stories told from Meghan's point of view don't offer. You really feel the emotional battle within Puck and it leaves you guessing until the very end just what decision he will make.