Dictionary of World Philosophy
This is the first comprehensive reference to the vast field of world philosophy. The Dictionary covers all the major subfields of the discipline, with entries drawn from West African, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Latin American, Maori, and Native American philosophy--including Nahua philosophy, a previously unexplored, but key instance of Pre-Hispanic thought. Entries include: * abazimu * abortion * Advaita * afrocentricity * age of the world * artificial life * baskets of knowledge * bhakti body *brotherhood * chain of being * Chinese legalism * creation *cybernetics * darshana * death * dravya * euthanasia *love * madrash * memory * Mohism * paradox * passion* philosophy of education * speculative grammar * paranormal *Aouism * theurgy * truth * virtue * Zen * and many more.
A Globalizing World?: Culture, Economics, Politics
This volume examines contemporary globalization debates in an
accessible fashion, offering a clear guide to one of the most important
issues of our time. In so doing, it does not take one particular
stance; rather it explores the arguments and evidence. After
introducing the main theoretical positions that have been developed
through academic research, different chapters look at the changing
forms of communication and culture industries, trade patterns, and
financial flows of the world economy, characterized by inequalities as
well as opportunities for greater participation.
Disney's My First Song Book Volume 2 16 more fabulous disney favorites with color photos Songs:
1. Can You Feel The Love Tonight, 2. Candle On The Water, 3. Chim Chim Cher Ee, 4. God Help The Outcasts, 5. It's A Small World, 6. Kiss The Girl, 7. My Funny Friend And Me, 8. Part Of Your World, 9. Reflection, 10. The Second Star To The Right, 11. Someday, 12. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, 13. When She Loved Me, 14. You'll Be In My Heart (Pop Version), 15. Zip A Dee Doo Dah.