Claims of supernatural realms, parallel worlds, and lost civilizations are put to the test in this well-researched guide to the unexplained. Firsthand accounts and historical documents are explored, and in-depth coverage is provided on the mysteries of imagination, culture, perception, consciousness, being, and more. Included in this collection are Richard S. Shaver's personal experience of hell—replete with demons and ghouls—modern and ancient accounts of fairyland, life on Mars, alien worlds, parallel universes, and mystery airships.
Renowned for their monumental architecture and rich visual culture, the Moche inhabited the north coast of Peru during the Early Intermediate Period (AD 100-800). Archaeological discoveries over the past century and the dissemination ofMoche artifacts to museums around the world have given rise to a widespread and continually increasing fascination with this complex culture , which expressed its beliefs about the human and supernatural worlds through finely crafted ceramic and metal objects of striking realism and visual sophistication.
Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the Worlds Problems
Wiley for Be the Solution "In the past, many believed you either went into 'public service' to do good, or you 'went into business' to make money. Few realized that the long-term success of business depends on serving people, not making money.
The Babylonian World presents an extensive, up-to-date and lavishly illustrated history of the ancient state Babylonia and its 'holy city', Babylon. Historicized by the New Testament as a centre of decadence and corruption, Babylon and its surrounding region was in fact a rich and complex civilization, responsible for the invention of the dictionary and laying the foundations of modern science.
Virtual Worlds are a new interface through which people can meet and collaborate with others using their natural voice, sharing PowerPoint presentations, videos, team meetings, as well as other sorts of simulations and role playing. 'Education in Second Life' is an important type of distance learning. Certainly it enables classes to meet without the overhead that goes with the traditional brick and mortar classroom building.