Basil Bernstein began to develop his theory of social structure and power relations during the 1950s and 1960s. Early in the 1960s he met M. A. K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, who were developing the first formulations of what would become known as systemic functional (SF) linguistic theory. A far-reaching dialogue began. Bernstein recognized the significant role that language plays in the construction of social experience and social inequality. Halliday and Hasan were actively seeking a theory of language that would explain the nature of the social.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 26 January 2010
Stranded With A Spy
To hell was more like it! When Mallory Dawes, suddenly infamous in the States, decided to take that vacation to France, her problems were just beginning: a lost passport. A car swept out to sea. Missing travelers' checks. And a mysterious, if intriguing, man who always seemed to turn up just when she was in trouble…
Mick Winger is only 17-and he's already killed over a dozen people. Not on purpose; he never meant to hurt anyone. But when Mick gets angry, people die, even the people he loves the most. Now he's on the run from his own terrible talent and from those who would use his power for their own purposes. But Mick is nor alone. There are others like him. And if he will not join them, they will make him pay.
Language in the World: A Philosophical Enquiry (Studies in Philosophy)
What makes the words we speak mean what they do? Possible-worlds semantics articulates the view that the meanings of words contribute to determining which possible worlds would make a sentence true, and which would make it false. In the first book-length examination from this viewpoint, M.J. Cresswell argues that the nonsemantic facts on which semantic facts supervene are facts about the causal interactions between the linguistic behavior of speakers and the facts in the world that they are speaking about.
Making baby quilts has always been a source of enjoyment for me. Through the years, I've given away at least one hundred and fifty of them to friends and relatives, and I'm still making them. What fun it was when my first grandchild arrived! I made Anthony a very special quilt before his birth and, of course, after he was born, I had to make one especially for him with his name on it in a design a boy would treasure. When he turned two, he had to have a Christmas quilt in keeping with the season for cold December nights. He came to me one day, not long after his little brother had arrived, and said,