Right now you can see free video tutorials to help you write your novel and finish it by the end of this month. Check out Tara Maya's 30 Novel Facebook page to find out more. The techniques here are designed to help you streamline your writing...and that includes not wasting your time on false starts or novels with huge, gaping plot holes that torment you during revisions. These are my best No Fail Formulas for starting or re-starting a new or broken novel, for kicking myself out of writer's block, and for making the most of every precious writing minute in a tight schedule.
This book teaches readers how to plan and write comic books. They will discover ways of brainstorming ideas for a comic book story, how to outline a plot using a three-act organizational structure, how to incorporate dialogue and descriptions, and how to write clear and detailed instructions for an artist to draw the accompanying illustrations. A variety of activities provide hints and tips along the way to support the process of planning, organizing, and writing the narrative of a comic book story.
How To Write A Book On Anything In 14 Days or Less
Techniques You’ve Never Seen Before! Okay, these techniques aren’t a fluke. They’re not the same old, same old. They are revolutionary strategies that will change the way you think about writing from now on. These techniques work for fiction, non-fiction, reports, even academic works (one of my students actually used them to write his successful Ph.D. dissertation in just 14 days)!A whole new way of writing success What I’ve done is develop strategies, techniques and technologies that, in just a matter of hours, will turn you, the novice or veteran writer, into a book-writing machine.
We are living in a video age – and so are our students. In 2014, 300 hours of video content was uploaded to YouTube every minute. Video has become so widely accepted as the optimum medium for getting information, that YouTube is the second largest search engine. This module looks at how we can use this ‘medium of choice’ to teach English.
The Road to Becoming a Better WriterTraveling Through the Writing Process
Improve your writing skills today, with an exclusive writing course for high school students, college students, EFL students, teachers, and anyone else interested in improving their writing skills. Are you preparing for the IELTS exam? Are you in the process of writing the college application essay and do not quite know how to start? Are you a teacher (English, Social Studies, Science, etc.,) who is not sure how to teach your students how to write? Are you a native speaker of another language and want to know how to write effectively in your first language?