This book shows scientists how to apply their analysis and synthesis skills to overcoming the challenge of how to write, as well as what to write, to maximise their chances of publishing in international scientific journals. The book uses analysis of the scientific article genre to provide clear processes for writing each section of a manuscript, starting with clear ‘story’ construction and packaging of results. Each learning step uses practical exercises to develop writing and data presentation skills based on reader analysis of well-written example papers.
How to Write An Effective Resume and CV - Grammar short lessons - 2014 -
Global labor trends show that millions and millions of people every year are unemployed, and should they seek jobs, they would face rigorous screening processes. This is due to changes in the operations, structures, and spending of many companies caused by unpredictable economic circumstances and technological developments replacing a huge part of the human force. Adding to the worry of any job applicant is the tight competition with other job seekers.
What makes a good essay? This infographic will teach you, step-by-step, how to write a great essay, the pitfalls to avoid and golden rules to obey, and the most common stylistic mistakes. Better bookmark this now for your next essay!
Comedy Writing Secrets: How to Think Funny, Write Funny, Act Funny and Get Paid For It
A comprehensive guide to writing, selling and performing all types of comedy. Includes comments, advice, gags and routines from top comics. Become the funniest person in the room! With Comedy Writing Secrets, you can master the fundamentals of humor writing and turn your comedic talent into a well-paying pursuit.