Fact..The Vikings reached America five hundred years before Christopher Columbus. Fact..The average life expectancy of a Viking was around 50 years. Being born was the most dangerous part. So what was it like? Did they go to school? How did they keep warm? Did they go on vacation? Find out these facts and much more in First Facts About the Vikings.
In only 9 pages is briefly explained when, how to use and which article to use. The articles “a,” “an,” and “the” are difficult for many non-native speakers of English to learn to use properly. Some of the rules that govern article usage are very subtle; only years of experience with the language will enable you to understand and apply these rules.
A musical prodigy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began playing the piano and composing when he was just three years old. Able to play multiple instruments, among them the piano and violin, Mozart spent much of his youth touring European courts with his family. From the time he was three until his death just thirty-two years later, he produced a huge volume of musical works. Among them the famed operas The Magic Flute, The Marriage of Figaro, and Don Giovanni.
In 1970, Abbie Hoffman conceived the idea for his most ambitious book project yet. He had begun criss-crossing the country, ferreting out alternative ways of getting along in America--some illegal, but most of them having to do with survival techniques. Steal This Book captures the spirit of those years, describing actions and techniques that were already in use in all 50 states. Illustrations, photos & cartoons.
Edited by: IrinaM - 11 June 2009
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In recent years, the public has become increasingly fascinated with the criminal mind. More and more people are interested in the American system of justice and the individuals who experience it firsthand. Minds on Trial: Great Cases in Law and Psychology gives you an inside view of 20 of the highest profile legal cases of the last 50 years. Drs. Ewing and McCann take you "behind the scenes" of each of these cases, some involving celebrities like Woody Allen, Mike Tyson, and Patty Hearst, and explain the impact they had on the fields of psychology and the law.