Maddy and her friend Cate are in Egypt on a school trip. They keep seeing a mysterious man in a black suit. Then they look in Cate's bag and are shocked at what they find. Should they tell somebody about their discovery? Why is the man in black following them?
The Economist is an English-language weekly news and international
affairs publication owned by "The Economist Newspaper Ltd" and edited
in London. It has been in continuous publication since James Wilson
established it in September 1843. As of 2006, its average circulation
topped one million copies a week, about half of which are sold in North
America.Consequently it is often seen as a transatlantic (as opposed to
solely British) news source.
Chaz Perrone should have had it all. He had a beautiful and rich wife, a doctorate in marine biology, a cushy job with the state, a lucrative scam with an agribusiness where he falsified water quality reports from the Everglades, several girlfriends, and a brand new Humvee. Unfortunately, Chaz was greedy, lazy, self-centered, adulterous, and lacking in both ethics and backbone. When he became nervous that his wife, Joey, had found about his scam, he took her on a cruise to celebrate their second anniversary and then tossed her overboard in the middle of night. He might have gotten away with it too, if she hadn't survived.
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"English Across Cultures: Cultures Across English : A Reader in Cross Cultural Communication"
The articles contained in this volume give a good overview about the main questions in the field of cross-cultural communication as well as language and culture. Particularly interesting is Platt's article about different communicative strategies in English-speaking Asian speech communities and Verschueren's paper about English as an object and medium of misunderstanding.