Practical IELTS Strategies 3 IELTS Writing Task One (Academic Module)This book- Book Three- is for Task One of the IELTS Writing Test (Academic Module). This is not a grammar book; not a test practice book; not a vocabulary book, although all of those e lements are here. Overall , this book is practical and strategic, exactly as those defin itions tell us. The real situation is the IELTS test, and the particular pwpose or plan is to give you the highest score that you can achieve.
Contemporary Topics 1: Academic Listening and Note-Taking Skills, 3rd Edition Who are some of the key figures in the history of abstract art? Can video games be good for children? What are some ethical approaches to decision-making? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in Contemporary Topics 1 , which features college lectures from several academic disciplines, including art history, media studies, and psychology. Contemporary Topics 1 prepares students for the challenge of college lectures with practice in a wide range of listening, speaking and note-taking skills and strategies. The lectures (available on CD and DVD) were filmed in realistic academic setting before live student audiences.
ease stands for Essential Academic Skills in English and is a series of interactive academic English CD-ROMs. ease has been specifically designed for students:
whose first language is not English
who intend to study in an English speaking country
who have to listen to lectures in English
who have to attend seminars in English
who have to give academic presentations in English
who wish to improve their academic listening and speaking skills
So far there are three discs in the series: the award-winning Listening to Lectures; Seminar Skills 1: Presentations; and Seminar Skills 2: Discussions. Click on the pictures below to find out more about these CD-ROMs.
Janet Giltrow's Academic Writing: Writing and Reading in the Disciplines has been widely acclaimed in all its editions as a superb textbook—and an important contribution to the pedagogy of introducing university and college students to the conventions of writing in an academic milieu. Academic Writing: An Introduction is a concise version of Giltrow's full work, designed to be more accessible as a text for certain sorts of one-term courses.
ELT Journal is a quarterly publication for all those involved in the field of teaching English as a second or foreign language. The Journal links the everyday concerns of practitioners with insights gained from related academic disciplines such as applied linguistics, education, psychology, and sociology.