The reading Module of the book contains 10 practice tests and writing module of the book shows the hints and strategies to gain higher mark for IELTS Exam.
The book is aimed at those candidates aiming to achieve a Band Score of 6 or more in the Academic Reading and Writing Component.
-10 Academic Reading questions (with a key explaining the answers)
Are you struggling to meet your coursework deadlines? Finding it hard to get to grips with your essay topics? Does your writing sometimes lack structure and style? Would you like to improve your grades? This text covers everything a student needs to know about writing essays and papers in the humanities and social sciences. Starting from the common difficulties students face, it gives practical examples of all the stages necessary to produce a good piece of academic work.
In academic IELTS,your scores can be greatly improved if a wide range of academic words are covered in the tests. Words in the current news provides you with academic words. Now what you have to do is to listen, read and memorize them.
In academic IELTS,your scores can be greatly improved if a wide range of academic words are covered in the tests. Words in the current news provides you with academic words. Now what you have to do is to listen, read and memorize them.