The Kit comprises six books (6 volumes) of 765 pages. There is no strict order in which they should be read, but this one is probably as good as any – except that you might read Building your Academic Career both first and last. 1. Building your Academic Career encourages you to take a proactive approach to getting what you want out of academic work whilst being a good colleague. 2. Getting Started on Research is for people in the earlier stages of development as a researcher. 3. Writing for Publication. 4. Teaching and Supervision looks at issues you may face both in teaching undergraduates and in the supervision of graduate research students. 5. Winning and Managing Research Funding explains how generic university research funding mechanisms work so that you will be better equipped to navigate your way through the financial maze associated with various funding sources. 6. Building Networks addresses perhaps the most slippery of topics, but also one of the most fundamental.
Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS is the ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Coursebook, providing further thematically-linked practice for each unit. It can also be used on its own for self-study or as a short intensive IELTS course.
In academic IELTS,your scores can be greatly improved if a wide range of academic words are covered in the tests. Words in the current news provides you with academic words. Now what you have to do is to listen, read and memorize them.
This new textbook brings together a comprehensive collection of primary source material for all those studying media at university and pre-university level. Extracts include a range of texts from academic and non-academic works including journalism and writings on film, television and popular culture.
This book will help adults empower students to become independent learners. The topic of study skills often targets mechanics of academic learning and focuses on areas such as improving homework completion and time management. This book goes beyond these mechanics by addressing underlying psychological factors that influence learning. We expand the goals of improving study skills from simply helping students get better grades in school to helping them become independent learners who know how to learn effectively in any life situation. Adopting this expanded focus will enable adults to help students learn independently in academic and nonacademic areas throughout their school years into adulthood.