Contract Law, 2nd edition, is the ideal resource for OCR and WJEC students studying Contract Law as their A2 option and is an excellent introductory text for students of other law courses. Addressing the new 2007 specifications and assessment methods, the text provides authoritative coverage of Contract Law using an accessible and clear writing style to ensure that complex issues can be easily understood.
Historical linguistics — the study of language change — has long been a cornerstone of linguistics. With its long history, multiple subfields, and complex terminology, it presents many challenges to students and scholars. This book is an essential supplement to courses in historical linguistics and the history of individual languages. It provides an accessible, up-to-date, and widely representative overview of historical linguistics through explication of its main terms and concepts.
Since the mid-1820s, a series of lectures has been delivered each year over the Christmas period in the world-famous Faraday Lecture Theatre at The Royal Institution of Great Britain by prominent scientists, addressed specifically to an audience of children. Initially made accessible in book form, the lectures have been nationally televised throughout the UK and distributed worldwide since the 1960s, making them accessible to an even larger audience.