AmericanHeadway is a multi-level series for adults and young adults who want to use American English both accurately and fluently. It includes grammar, vocabulary and dialogues. Grammar and vocabulary are taught and explained thoroughly, and all four language skills are developed systematically.
SMART SCHOOL TIME RECIPES: The Breakfast, Snack, and Lunchbox Cookbook for Healthy Kids and Adults
This e-cookbook was created to encourage whole foods living for families, while offering ample alternatives to prepackaged meals and snacks. Within you will discover 125 healthy recipes and over 100 full color photos for quick breakfasts, on-the-go snacks, and portable lunch items. And of course, the recipes are kid-friendly (and adult-friendly!), easy, and delicious.
You Mean I'm not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy - A Self-Help Book for Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
With over a quarter million copies in print, You Mean I'm Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?! is one of the bestselling books on attention deficit disorder (ADD) ever written. There is a great deal of literature about children with ADD. But what do you do if you have ADD and aren't a child anymore? This indispensable reference -- the first of its kind written for adults with ADD by adults with ADD -- focuses on the experiences of adults, offering updated information, practical how-tos and moral support to help readers deal with ADD. It also explains the diagnostic process that distinguishes ADD symptoms from normal lapses in memory, lack of concentration or impulsive behavior.
Decades of work in psychology labs have vastly enhanced our knowledge about how children perceive, think, and reason. But it has also encouraged a distorted view of children, argues psychologist Susan Engel in this provocative and passionate book--a view that has affected every parent who has tried to debate with a six-year-old. By focusing on the thinking processes prized by adults, too many expert opinions have rendered children as little adults. What has been lost is what is truly unique and mysterious--the childlike quality of a child's mind.