One of the most common problems facing ESL teachers is the advanced speaking class in which the most confident students dominate the discussion and the weaker students quickly withdraw. Discussion Starters is designed to balance the oral participation of all the students in the class and thus promote an environment in which everyone has not only a chance but a real need to speak out. Thirty-two lively topics to stimulate classroom discussion for advanced ESL students
Данные уроки явялются продолжением серии уроков, выпущенных канадской радиостанцией CBC. Представленные 16 уроков вышли в период с 8 ноября 2008 по 21 мая 2009 г. Listening 3-minute lessons for intermediate and advanced students are based on CBC Manitoba Radio Broadcasts.
Headlines An Advanced Text for Reading, Speaking and Listening Книга для развития навыков чтения для уровня Advanced.
HEADLINES is a 14-unit book accompanied by a 30-minute tape that combines reading, vocabulary, listening, and speaking for advanced students of English as a second language.
Building on the foundations laid in the companion text Modern Engineering Mathematics 3e, this book gives an extensive treatment of some of the advanced areas of mathematics that have applications in various fields of engineering, particularly as tools for computer-based system modelling, analysis and design. Despite the advanced level of this text, the philosophy of learning by doing is retained, with continuing emphasis on the development of students` ability to use mathematics with understanding to solve engineering problems.
This book is designed to help students wishing to take the ECL English Level C1 (advanced) language exam. Hungarian edition (Foreword) but English tests, of course. 5 FULL advanced level LANGUAGE EXAM PDF + Listening parts (MP3)