Это учебные пособия по иностранным языкам для вузов ставит своей целью ознакомить студентов с некоторыми рассказами английских и американских писателей и дать материал для чтения и обсуждения на занятиях по домашнему чтению. Пособие рассчитано на студентов и всех лиц, находящихся на продвинутом этапе изучения английского языка.
English language practice: novels and exercises.
This book for advanced learners familiarize you with English and American writers. It provides high school students with non-adapted novels and gives them the material to discuss.
How English Works: A Grammar Handbook with Readings is designed for classroom use with intermediate and advanced students of English. Such a range of abilities can easily be addressed in a book of this kind: as we teachers know only too well, even advanced students who speak and understand English with apparent ease can still make many errors when they write and can still have surprising gaps in understanding.
Numerical psychometric tests, often used as part of an employer's selection procedure, represent a considerable challenge to many candidates.В How to Pass Advanced Numeracy Tests provides a wealth of highly relevant practice questions and detailed explanations to help candidates prepare for such tests. Pitched at a more advanced "graduate" level, it also has much to offer the beginner, such as a section on revising the basics. Testing areas covered include quantitative reasoning, data interpretation, and business judgment. With over 500 practice questions, plus four realistic practice tests, this book from testing expert Mike Bryon offers readers the opportunity to prepare themselves thoroughly.
A Student's English Grammar Workbook accompanies the widely acclaimed A Student's Grammar of the English Language, offering the advanced student comprehensive grammar practice. *200 useful exercises with clear examples *full reference to A Student's Grammar of the English Language throughout *lively, authentic material *a variety of exercise types *full answer key