Dennis wants to demystify the money-getting process, and his straight-talking, honest advice makes a refreshing change in this oversaturated field. Using humorous examples from his own business life, Dennis's advice, from The Five Most Common Start-Up Errors to The Power of Focus, might sound like conventional fare, but delivered in his signature bawdy, British style, it's altogether more entertaining—and more practical. Dennis highlights the right strategies and mindset to get readers their millions, but he won't air-brush his story or soften the bitter truth along the way.
An original American art form, comics thrill millions of people across the globe. Combining step–by–step instruction with expert tips and advice, Drawing Cartoons & Comics For Dummies is a one–stop reference for creating and marketing original cartoons and comics. This thorough guide focuses on helping aspiring artists master the basic building blocks of cartoons and comics, revealing step by step how to create everything from wisecracking bunnies to souped–up super villains. It also explores lettering and coloring, and offers expert marketing advice.
Being saddled with a terrible supervisor can turn even the best job into a nightmare. Unfortunately, not every boss is the great symbol of managerial perfection one would hope for. In fact, more people than not consider themselves stuck with a "bad boss." But short of remaining miserable or quitting a job, what can be done about it? A Survival Guide for Working with Bad Bosses provides readers with savvy, practical advice for coping with managers and supervisors who are mean, incompetent, unethical, and worse.
To those interested in a life in science, Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel laureate, deflates the myths of invincibility, superiority, and genius; instead, he demonstrates it is common sense and an inquiring mind that are essential to the scientist’s calling.
The Getting Started in Digital SLR Photography. produced by the experts at Digital SLR Photography magazine, is packed with Information. advice and techniques that will help you become a better photographer. If you"ve ever looked at images from the professionals and wondered how they managed to get such great resu lts. then this guide is for you.