Crime and Punishment around the World, Volume 1: Africa and the Middle East
Volume 1 of Crime and Punishment around the World contains 55 individual entries for the countries making up Africa and 15 individual entries for each of the countries in the Middle East. The purpose of this volume is not to compare and contrast issues of crime and punishment in Africa and the Middle East, but simply to of insights into developments in this area in individual countries of the two regions. Yet this mosaic of criminal justice systems will provide readers with similarities and dif erences in the evolution of the regions’ criminal justice systems and the extent to which colonial infl uences shaped the existing forms of social regulation, and social governance.
By focusing on forty works from the Metropolitan’s collection, this educator’s resource kit presents the rich and diverse artistic heritage of sub-Saharan Africa. Included are a brief introduction and history of the continent, an explanation of the role of visual expression in Africa, descriptions of the form and function of the works, lesson plans, class activities, map, bibliography, and glossary.
This new guide will be of great value to entomologists, both amateur and professional, as well as to students, nature conservation officers, game rangers, gardeners, farmers, tourists and anyone with an interest in natural history. An introductory chapter discusses the insect body, life history, classification and distribution patterns and relatives of southern African insects. It also touches on collecting, displaying and curating insects and explains 'How to use this book'.