Focused, organized, and easy to follow, Glencoe Pre-Algebra shows your students how to read, write, and understand the unique language of mathematics, so they'll be prepared for every type of problem-solving and assessment situation.
The present book, stemmin g from the first four chap ters of the authors' Tensor Calculus (Moscow, 1969), constitutes a lucid and completely elementary introduction to linear algebra. The treatment is virtually self-contained. In fact, the mathematical background assumed on the part of the reader hardly exceeds a smattering of calculus and a casual acquaintance with determinants. A special merit of the book, reflecting its lineage, is its free use of tensor notation, in particular the Einstein summation convention.
Set linear algebras, introduced by the authors in this book, are the most generalized form of linear algebras. These structures make use of very few algebraic operations and are easily accessible to non-mathematicians as well. The dominance of computers in everyday life calls for a paradigm shift in the concepts of linear algebra. The authors believe that set linear algebra will cater to that need.
Learn the basics of algebra from former USA Mathematical Olympiad winner and Art of Problem Solving founder Richard Rusczyk. Topics covered in the book include linear equations, ratios, quadratic equations, special factorizations, complex numbers, graphing linear and quadratic equations, linear and quadratic inequalities, functions, polynomials, exponents and logarithms, absolute value, sequences and series, and much more! The text is structured to inspire the reader to explore and develop new ideas.
Whether you're a student preparing to take algebra or a parent who wants to brush up on basic math, this fun, friendly guide has the tools you need to get in gear. From positive, negative, and whole numbers to fractions, decimals, and percents, you'll build necessary skills to tackle more advanced topics, such as imaginary numbers, variables, and algebraic equations.