Equity Valuation for Analysts and Investors
Equity Valuation for Analysts and Investors introduces you to the financial statement analysis and model-building methodology used by leading equity research firm Argus Research. Written by Jim Kelleher, the company's director of research, the book offers the tools for estimating individual equity cash value. These include a completely original and proprietary valuation methodology, Peer Derived Value, which values an equity based on the stock's current variation from its historical relation to a user-specifi ed peer group. |
Tags: equity, Valuation, Equity, methodology, research, Investors, Analysts |
Mathematics and Physics (Ferguson's Careers in Focus)Ever wonder what to do with your Mathematics major? This book focuses on: Accountants and Auditors; Actuaries; Architects; Assessors and Appraisers;] Ever wonder what to do with your Mathematics major? This book focuses on: Accountants and Auditors; Actuaries; Architects; Assessors and Appraisers; Astronomers; Astrophysicists; Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks; Cashiers; Computer Programmers; Credit Analysts; Demographers; Economists; Financial Planners; Marketing Research Analysts; Mathematicians; Mathematics Teachers;...
Tags: Mathematics, Analysts, Research, Statisticians, Clerks, Actuaries, Auditors, Assessors |