Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A Handbook
This is an authoritative presentation and discussion of the most basic thematic elements universally found in folklore and literature. The reference provides a detailed analysis of the most common archetypes or motifs found in the folklore of selected communities around the world.
Gambling has become a worldwide enterprise, with commercial operations active in well over 100 countries ranging from China to Togo. It is a way for people to have fun and governments to gain revenue. Yet, it can become an addiction that leads to bankruptcy and ruin. As gambling venues spread around the world—and through cyberspace—it is high time for a fresh look at this burgeoning industry.
Each volume of Novels for Students contains easily accessible and content-rich discussions of the literary and historical background of works from various cultures and time periods. Each novel was specially chosen by experts who have helped us define the information needs of students.
In Mammal Menu, kids will be amazed to learn about the wide variety of mammal dishes that are cooked—and eaten—by people from different cultures all around the globe.
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.